Note: This report was published in the club journal of the German Akita Club e.V. 2/2000
Bushi sick in April 1999, © 2000 M.Rampak
Bushi very sick in Mai 1999, © 2000 M.Rampak
Bushi, 2 years old, © 2000 M.Rampak
Bushi's Treatment was quite successful, September 1999, © 2000 M.Rampak
End of September, Bushi regained 85% of his former looks. I increased the interval of the oil treatment to 3 weeks, at present 4 weeks. Beginning of October, I added OMNIFLORA N, to improve his intestinal flora which suffered under the influence of all the given antibiotics. |
Bushi, November 1999, © 2000 M.Rampak
It's now beginning of December and I have to think in something else as I did the oiling procedure outside up to now. Maybe I can also do it in the shower, well, then I have to sit two hours there with Bushi. Up to now I can not determine what was the decisive factor of these products. I think everything started with St. John's Wort Oil: The result is lying beside me and smells like a dog which is the most beautiful Akita for me in the whole world. With best regards |
Bushi, (3 years old) with cat "Kleines", 1998,
© 2000 M.Rampak
There was not a big change in the way of the treatment: each 4 weeks I put the baby oil on him, let it work for 2 hours, shampoo it off 2 times with Etiderm and put the conditioner with Humilac (8 cups for 1,5 liter water) on him. If I put too much oil on him I have to shampoo him a third time. In January 2000 I stopped giving him Calendula D4 and he will get Vitamin E twice a week 250 mg. Since I started with the treatment in June 1999 Bushi did not have any more inflammations and his fur looks much better, he regained 85 to 90% from his former looks. In springtime he lost most of his undercoat but it grow all back again. In January Bushi got his shots despite I was very concerned as each shot will influence his immune system. But everything was fine and in future he will get his shots regularly. |
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